Calpain-10 is not associated with type 2 diabetes in northern Sweden population

Calpain-10 is not associated with type 2 diabetes in northern Sweden population.

“We present data from a genome-wide scan identifying genetic factors conferring susceptibility to type 2 diabetes. The linkage analysis was based on 59 families from northern Sweden, consisting of a total of 129 cases of type 2 diabetes and 19 individuals with impaired glucose tolerance,” scientists in Sweden report.

“Model-free linkage analysis revealed a maximum multipoint logarithm of odds score of 3.19 for D2S2987 at 267.7 cM (p=0.00058), suggesting that a gene conferring susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in the northern Swedish population resides in the 2q37 region.

These data replicate, in a European population, previously identified linkage of marker loci in this region to type 2 diabetes in Mexican Americans,” wrote E. Einarsdottir and colleagues, Umea University.

The researchers finished, “In contrast, no evidence in support of association to the previously identified single nucleotide polymorphisms in the calpain-10 gene was observed in a case-control cohort derived from the same population.”

Einarsdottir and colleagues published their study in Diabetes (Linkage but not association of calpain-10 to type 2 diabetes replicated in northern Sweden. Diabetes, 2006;55 (6):1879-1883).

For more information, contact D. Holmberg, Umea University, Dept. of Med Bioscience, Division Med & Clinic Genetics, SE-90187 Umea, Sweden.

Publisher contact information for the journal Diabetes is: American Diabetes Association, 1701 N Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1717, USA.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 6, 2011
Last revised: by Dave R. Roger, M.D.