Five Reasons Not to Put Off a Colonoscopy
Jan 31 12


New therapeutic target to combat liver cancer discovered
Jan 26 12


GERD in Infants and Children
Jan 25 12


An easier way to remove gallstones
Jan 18 12


Radical Liver Surgery, West Coast First
Jan 07 12


Inflammatory Bowel Disease Emerges as a Global Disease
Jan 06 12


Feeling Stressed? Why You May Feel It in Your Gut
Jan 03 12


Rare genetic disorder provides clues to development of the pancreas
Dec 11 11


Genes modify the risk of liver disease among alcoholics
Dec 06 11


Fatty livers are in overdrive
Dec 06 11


Use of opioid painkillers for abdominal pain has more than doubled
Nov 29 11


Dendritic cells protect against acute pancreatitis
Nov 23 11


Psychological factors affect IBS patients’ interpretation of symptom severity
Nov 22 11


Severe alcoholic hepatitis: An effective combination of 2 treatments
Nov 10 11


The Economic Cost of Advanced Liver Disease
Nov 08 11


Live liver donors have troubles years later: study
Nov 07 11


Psychological traumas experienced over lifetime linked to adult irritable bowel syndrome
Oct 31 11


Probiotics effective in combating antibiotic-associated diarrhea
Oct 31 11


Study finds physicians show bias when diagnosing stomach problems
Oct 31 11


Acid-Suppressing Drugs Being Over Prescribed in Infants
Oct 20 11


An effective treatment for anal incontinence
Oct 14 11


Antibiotic use tied to Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis
Sep 26 11


Viral Theory Is Set Back in Chronic Fatigue Study
Sep 25 11


Even low-dose aspirin may increase risk of GI bleeding
Sep 12 11


New Way to Remove Large Polyps, CA First
Aug 19 11


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