Researchers make progress engineering digestive system tissues
May 18 15


Study shows how E. coli thrive in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
May 12 15


Study reveals how relaxation response may help treat 2 gastrointestinal disorders
May 05 15


Viruses responsible for 50 percent of gastroenteritis cases can spread by air
Apr 30 15


Pooled analysis confirms vitamin E as a treatment for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Apr 23 15


Investigational anti-diabetic may offer potential for management of non-alcoholic fatty liver
Apr 23 15


Novel mechanism for Crohn’s disease uncovered
Apr 23 15


Cirrhosis deaths drop 41 percent from 2002 to 2012
Apr 22 15


New treatment for common digestive condition Barrett’s Oesophagus
Apr 15 15


Female IBD patients: Stay up-to-date on your cervical cancer screening
Mar 26 15


Younger immigrants at higher risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease
Mar 10 15


Chronic narcotic use is high among kids with IBD
Feb 10 15


Steroid therapy increases risk of blood clots 5-fold in IBD patients
Jan 29 15


Daily drinking increases risk of alcoholic cirrhosis
Jan 26 15


To remove the gallbladder or not - that is the question
Dec 26 14


Sleep duration affects risk for ulcerative colitis
Oct 21 14


New class of drugs shows promise for treating chronic diarrhoea
Oct 20 14


Study shows epigenetic changes in children with Crohn’s disease
Aug 23 14


Growing up on a livestock farm halves the risk of inflammatory bowel diseases
Jul 11 14


Scientists identify new pathogenic and protective microbes associated with severe diarrhea
Jun 27 14


Heart rate variability may predict risk of disease in premature infants
Jun 13 14


Probiotics prevent deadly complications of liver disease, study finds
Jun 08 14


Wound-healing role for microRNAs in colon offer new insight to inflammatory bowel diseases
May 23 14


Disruption of circadian rhythms may contribute to inflammatory disease
May 22 14


Mayo Clinic Researchers Find Genetic Clue to Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Mar 20 14


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