Drinking coffee slows progression of liver disease in chronic hepatitis C sufferers
Oct 20 09


Gluten-free diet reduces bone problems in children with celiac disease
Oct 08 09


Medication effective for acute liver failure in early stages of disease
Oct 08 09


Hypertension and diabetes are concern in long-term care of liver transplant patients
Oct 05 09


Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Reduces Need for Surgery by Almost Half
Oct 01 09


Taking sharper aim at stomach ulcer bacteria
Sep 30 09


Does Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy prevent gastric cancer?
Sep 25 09


Low-fat, high-fiber diet good for the colon
Sep 06 09


Fat in the Liver—Not the Belly—Is a Better Marker for Disease Risk
Aug 25 09


Stressful childhood tied to adulthood ulcer risk
Aug 25 09


Surgical treatment a rare complication of duodenal diverticulum
Aug 25 09


Complications, deaths common after pancreas surgery
Aug 22 09


What are the characteristics of clarithromycin-resistant Helicobacter pylori?
Jul 17 09


Exercise, cutting cholesterol help fix fatty liver
Jul 16 09


Study finds survival rates from gastrointestinal tumors improving among African-Americans
Jul 14 09


Symptoms start when healthy stop heartburn drugs
Jul 14 09


Novel Genetic Finding Offers New Hope for Crohn’s Disease
Jul 09 09


What is different in reflux esophagitis between African-Americans and non-Hispanic whites?
Jun 24 09


Study Redefines Roles of Alcohol, Smoking in Risk for Pancreatitis
Jun 08 09


Radiofrequency Ablation Can Reverse Barrett’s Esophagus, Reduce Cancer Risk
Jun 02 09


Liver disease responsible for most alcohol-related illness and deaths
Apr 23 09


Chronic marijuana abuse linked to severe vomiting
Apr 08 09


Alcohol counseling reduces pancreatitis recurrence
Mar 27 09


Difference in Fat Storage May Explain Lower Rate of Liver Disease in African-Americans
Mar 27 09


Clinical Trial Backs Use of Special Yogurt to Fight Stomach Ulcer Bacteria
Mar 23 09


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