Bloody Diarrhea Can Indicate Ischemic Colitis

Bloody diarrhea is alarming because it can signal any of several medical conditions - some very serious.

When it occurs in people age 60 and older, there’s a good possibility bloody diarrhea indicates ischemic (is-KEM-ik) colitis. Fortunately, with proper medical treatment, most people with ischemic colitis recover within a day or two, according to the March issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter.

Ischemic colitis occurs when blood flow to part of the large intestine (colon) has been suddenly reduced or blocked. This can lead to areas of colon inflammation, and in rare circumstances, permanent colon damage. When the colon doesn’t get enough blood, tissues are damaged, causing it to leak blood.

A number of factors can contribute to reduced blood flow to the colon, including congestive heart failure, dehydration, recent surgery, infections and even long-distance running. Most often with this condition, normal blood flow already has returned by the time symptoms appear. When a doctor is looking for the cause, it’s common that none can be found.

Usually there’s no reason to directly treat ischemic colitis because it resolves on its own. Still, people can feel very ill. Patients often require one to two days in the hospital to receive antibiotics to help stop bacteria from spreading and fluids to prevent dehydration. If the underlying cause is found, the condition may need to be treated.

Colon damage from an initial episode typically heals completely within two weeks. Most people never have another episode.

Mayo Clinic Health Letter is an eight-page monthly newsletter of reliable, accurate and practical information on today’s health and medical news.

Source: Mayo Clinic

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