Five Reasons Not to Put Off a Colonoscopy

If you’ve been avoiding, or even dreading, scheduling a colonoscopy, it’s time to give the important cancer screening tool another thought. Not only is the test a life-saving measure, a Saint Louis University doctor says, but your worries may be unwarranted.

“A colonoscopy is an amazing tool that allows us to see how healthy our insides are,” said Christine Hachem, M.D., assistant professor of internal medicine and a gastroenterologist at Saint Louis University. “While you may feel anxious about the procedure, a discussion with your doctor can ease many of your concerns.”

The most common use for colonoscopies is for colon and rectal cancer screening in someone without symptoms. They’re also used to evaluate those who are experiencing symptoms, like a change in bowel habits, blood in your bowel movements or anemia.

Screening colonoscopies are recommended for the general population beginning at age 50. However, there are some groups, like African Americans, who should start screening colonoscopies at age 45 because of their increased risk of colon cancer. In addition, if you have a disease that puts you at increased risk of colon cancer, such as inflammatory bowel disease, family history of colon cancer or related cancer or symptoms or concerning signs, you should discuss the best time to get the procedure with your doctor.

What is colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy (ko-lun-AH-skuh-pee) is an exam that lets a doctor closely look at the inside of the entire colon. The doctor is looking for polyps (pah-lips) or signs of cancer. Polyps are small growths that over time can become cancer. The doctor uses a thin (about the thickness of a finger), flexible, hollow, lighted tube that has a tiny video camera on the end. This tube is called a colonoscope (ko-LAHN-uh-scope). The colonoscope is gently eased inside the colon and sends pictures to a TV screen. Small amounts of air are puffed into the colon to keep it open and let the doctor see clearly.

The exam itself takes about 30 minutes. Patients are usually given medicine to help them relax and sleep while it’s done.

Your doctor decides how often you need this test, usually once every 10 years, depending on your personal risk for colon cancer. It’s important for you to talk with your doctor to understand your risk for colon cancer, the guidelines you should follow for testing, and whether you need to start having the tests at age 50 or earlier.

Colonoscopies require you to lie on your side and hold their knees drawn up toward their abdomen. A thin, lubricated scope is inserted into the rectum. The scope has a very small camera that shows the images of the inside of your colon on a screen. Your doctor will maneuver the scope along the inside of your colon. He can view the entire length of your colon as he maneuvers the camera along the colon’s path. He can see polyps developing, scar tissue, and if he needs to take a sample of tissue for biopsy, he can do that with a special biopsy tool attached to the scope.
You will only need to recover from the test for a short while and will be sent home the same day. Your test results only take a few days, and your doctor will have all the information he needs to know if your colon is healthy, or if further testing is needed.

Hachem offers five reasons why you should talk to your doctor about colonoscopies:

ONE: The top reason is simple. This single 20-minute test can save your life. It helps to identify those at risk of developing cancer. Waiting until you develop signs or symptoms may be too late.

TWO: Your worries may be misplaced. “Talk to your doctor about your concerns because there are a lot of ways of preparing for and doing the same procedure and we can tailor the procedure to each patient’s needs,” Hachem said.

How often should a colon screening be done?
Depending on the risk factors present, colon screening should be on a regular basis.

High risk patients such as those with a family history of colon cancer, diseases that increase the risk of colon cancer such as ulcerative colitis, or with compromised immune systems such as HIV should have a yearly fecal occult blood screening and sigmoidoscope and a colonoscopy every 5 to 10 years. At age 50 or 10 years after a diagnosis of high risk diseases such as ulcerative colitis or colon cancer in another family member, a colonoscopy should be done every 1 to 2 years.

If there are any signs or symptoms such as rectal bleeding, a screening should be done immediately and then every 6 months to a year until the problem is resolved.

In healthy people without risks, disease, or symptoms, a yearly fecal occult blood test, a sigmoidoscope every 5 years, and a colonoscopy every 10 years starting at age 50 is recommended.

THREE: You probably won’t remember it. Patients usually are given sedative medication that makes them feel relaxed and sleepy. “Most people wake up afterwards asking when the procedure will start,” Hachem said.

FOUR: Having a colonoscopy at the recommended time helps keep the odds in your favor. During the procedure, your doctor may discover and remove precancerous polyps, which can keep cancer from developing. If the test finds cancer, treatment can begin right away. The sooner a cancer is caught, the better chances you have at beating it.

FIVE: A colonoscopy doesn’t just affect you; it gives your family valuable information, as well, about their own risk of cancer.

Bottom line? Talk with your doctor about when you should schedule a colonoscopy and any concerns you may have about the procedure.

Established in 1836, Saint Louis University School of Medicine has the distinction of awarding the first medical degree west of the Mississippi River. The school educates physicians and biomedical scientists, conducts medical research, and provides health care on a local, national and international level. Research at the school seeks new cures and treatments in five key areas: cancer, liver disease, heart/lung disease, aging and brain disease, and infectious disease.


Source: Saint Louis University Medical Center

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