Vaginal Yeast Infection

  • What Is It?
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnosis
  • Expected Duration
  • Treatment
  • When To Call A Professional
  • Prognosis
  • Prevention
  • What Is It?

    Vaginal yeast infections, also called “Candida vaginal infections,” typically are caused by the Candida albicans fungus. During a lifetime, 75 percent of all women are likely to have at least one vaginal Candida infection, and up to 45 percent have two or more. Women tend to be more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections if their bodies are under stress from poor diet, lack of sleep, illness, or when they are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women with immune-suppressing diseases such as diabetes and HIV infection also are at increased risk.


    The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include:

    • Vaginal itch and/or soreness
    • Thick, white, cheeselike discharge
    • “Burning” discomfort around the vaginal opening, especially if urine contacts the area
    • Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.


    Your doctor will suspect an infection based on your symptoms. Your doctor will do a pelvic examination to look for inflammation and a white discharge in your vagina and around the vaginal opening. Your doctor may also take a sample of the vaginal discharge for quick examination under a microscope in the office or to send to a laboratory to test for yeast organisms, such as Candida fungi.

    Expected Duration

    Proper treatment cures up to 90 percent of vaginal yeast infections within two weeks or less, often within a few days. A small number of people will have repeat infections. Usually, these will improve with repeated treatment. However, patients with unexplained, repeat episodes should be tested for diabetes or HIV — two conditions that can suppress the immune system and increase the risk of infections.


    To help prevent vaginal yeast infections, you can try the following suggestions:

    • Keep the external genital area clean and dry.
    • Avoid irritating soaps (including bubble bath), vaginal sprays and douches.
    • Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently.
    • Wear loose cotton (rather than nylon) underwear that doesn’t trap moisture.
    • After swimming, change quickly into your dry clothing instead of sitting in your wet bathing suit for prolonged periods.
    • Take antibiotics only when prescribed by your doctor, and never take them for longer than your doctor directs.
    • If you are diabetic, try to keep tight control over your blood sugar levels.


    Vaginal yeast infections can be treated with antifungal medicines that are inserted directly into the vagina as tablets, creams, ointments or suppositories. These medications include butoconazole (Femstat), clotrimazole (Clotrimaderm, Canesten), miconazole (Monistat, Monazole, Micozole), nystatin (several brand names), tioconazole (GyneCure) and terconazole (Terazole). A single dose of oral fluconazole (Diflucan Oral) also may be used, although this treatment is not recommended during pregnancy. Treatment of sex partners is not usually necessary, since most vaginal yeast infections are not transmitted sexually. However, if a male sex partner shows symptoms of Candida balanitis (redness, irritation and/or itching at the tip of the penis), he may need to be treated with an antifungal cream or ointment.

    Although many medications used to treat vaginal yeast infections are now available without a prescription, you should use these medications only for treating repeat infections, not for your first episode. Any woman who experiences symptoms of a vaginal infection for the first time should visit a doctor. This is important to be sure that the vaginal discharge and discomfort is caused by yeast and not sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, or trichomoniasis.

    About 5 percent of women with vaginal yeast infections develop recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC), which is defined as four or more vaginal yeast infections in a one-year period. Although RVVC is more common in women who have diabetes or weakened immune systems, most women with RVVC have no underlying medical illness that would predispose them to recurrent Candida infections. Medical experts still are trying to determine the most effective way to treat RVVC. Currently, most doctors treat this problem with two weeks of oral medication, followed by up to six months of a lower maintenance dose.

    When To Call A Professional

    Call your doctor whenever you have vaginal discomfort or an abnormal vaginal discharge, especially if you are pregnant.


    Medications cure most vaginal yeast infections. About 5 percent of women develop RVVC and may require further treatment with prolonged antifungal therapy.

    Johns Hopkins patient information

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    Diseases and Conditions Center

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