You are here : > Health Centers > Medical Encyclopedia Medical Encyclopedia - A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9 Platelet aggregation test PHB Arterial plethysmography Percutaneous pericardiocentesis Peritoneal fluid analysis Parasites and stool ova exam PTT Parathyroid hormone Thrombocyte count Parathormone (PTH) intact molecule Renin APTT Plethysmography PBG Peritoneal tap Paracentesis Pericardiocentesis Secretin stimulation test Plantar fasciitis Papanicolaou test Phenylbutazone overdose Pancreatic function test Pericardial tap Pap smear Phlebitis Perioral dermatitis Patent foramen ovale PKU Perianal streptococcal cellulitis PA Pituitary infarction Perichondritis Streptococcal proctitis Periarteritis nodosa Parainfluenza Pityriasis alba Thrombophlebitis Pleurisy Plummer-Vinson syndrome/esophageal web Pancreatitis Phenylketonuria Petrositis Pulmonary atresia Parathyroid adenoma Perirenal abscess Pleuritic chest pain Polyarteritis nodosa Sideropenic dysphagia Pleuritis PFO Pharyngitis - viral Paterson-Kelly syndrome Pituitary apoplexy Proctitis - streptococcal Paraphimosis Parathyroid hyperplasia Penis Pesticides Sodium salicylate overdose Peduncle Pierre Robin syndrome Pedicle Peripheral Placental insufficiency Pervasive developmental disorder Percodan overdose Sernyl overdose Tinea versicolor Periosteum Patent ductus arteriosus Angel Dust overdose Pica PCP overdose Percussion Pepto-Bismol Periactin overdose Phenergan Autism Asperger syndrome PABA Phenobarbital overdose Physical examination Palatal myoclonus Alka-Seltzer Pityriasis rubra pilaris P.A.M. Pesticides and food Phencyclidine overdose Phonological disorder Pharyngomaxillary space abscess Pervasive developmental delay Robin sequence Palpation Para-aminobenzoic acid overdose Physician Assistant profession (PA) Placental dysfunction PDA Pityriasis versicolor Autistic disorder/Autism spectrum Promethazine overdose Page 7 of 83 pages « First < 5 6 7 8 9 > Last » << Back to main A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9