Cherry angioma

Alternative names
Angioma - cherry; Senile angioma

A cherry angioma is a benign skin growth that appears as a small, smooth, cherry-red bump.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Cherry angiomas are benign, fairly common skin growths that vary in size. They can occur almost anywhere on the body but usually develop on the trunk.

They are most common after age 40. The cause is unknown. Although painless and harmless, cherry angiomas may bleed profusely if injured.


Skin lesion or growth:

  • Small - pinhead size to about 1/4 inch in diameter  
  • Bright red  
  • Smooth

Signs and tests
Your health care provider will probably diagnose a cherry angioma based on the appearance of the growth. No further tests are usually necessary, though a skin biopsy may be used to confirm the diagnosis.

Cherry angiomas generally do not need to be treated. If they are cosmetically displeasing or prone to bleeding, angiomas may be removed by surgery, freezing (cryotherapy), burning (electrosurgery/cautery), or laser.

Expectations (prognosis)
Cherry angiomas are benign and generally harmless. Removal usually does not cause scarring.


  • Changes in appearance  
  • Psychological distress  
  • Bleeding

Calling your health care provider

Call for an appointment with your health care provider if you have symptoms of a cherry angioma and you would like to have it removed.

Also call if the appearance of a cherry angioma or any skin lesion changes.

Johns Hopkins patient information

Last revised: December 3, 2012
by Gevorg A. Poghosian, Ph.D.

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