Fine motor control


Fine motor control is the control of fine (small, precise) movements. The opposite of fine motor control would be gross (large, general) motor control. Fine motor control is the coordination of muscular, skeletal, and neurological functions used to produce precise movements (such as pointing to a small item with one finger instead of waving an arm toward the general area).

The development of fine motor control is a process of refining gross motor control. It develops as the neurological system matures.

The developmental of fine motor control in children is used to determine the developmental age of a child. Fine motor skills are developed through time, experience, and knowledge. Fine motor control requires awareness and planning for the execution of a task. It also requires muscle strength, co-ordination and normal sensation.

Johns Hopkins patient information

Last revised: December 2, 2012
by Arthur A. Poghosian, M.D.

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