Growth milestones for children - 4 years
Alternative names
Normal childhood growth milestones - 4 years; Developmental milestones record - 4 years; Childhood growth milestones - 4 years
This article describes the skills and growth markers relevant to 4 year-old children.
Physical and motor:
- During the 4th year there is usually a weight gain of about 6 grams per day
- The height of your child during the 4th year should be double their length at birth
- Improved balance
- Hops on one foot without losing balance
- Throws a ball overhand with coordination
- Skillfully cuts out a picture using scissors
- May not be able to tie shoelaces
- Bed wetting at this age is still considered normal
Sensory and cognitive:
- Vocabulary has increased to over 1500 words
- Easily composes sentences of 4 to 5 words
- Can use the past tense
- Can count to 4
- The age when your child will ask the most questions
- May use words outside their comprehension
- May begin using vulgar terms depending on their exposure
- Learns and sings simple songs
- Tries to be very independent
- Increased aggressive behavior
- Readily discloses personal family matters to others
- Imaginary playmates are common
- Increased comprehension of time
- Able to distinguish between two objects based on simple criteria (such as size, weight, etc.)
- Less egocentric behavior
- Believes that their thoughts and emotions are causative events
- Lacks moral concepts of right and wrong
- Rebellion is common if expectations are excessive
- Encourage and provide the necessary space for physical activity
- Instruct the child how to participate in, and follow the rules of sporting activities
- Encourage play with other children in the area to help develop their socialization skills
- Encourage creative play
- Read together
- Monitor both the time and content of television viewing
- Expose the child to different stimuli by visiting local areas of interest
Last revised: December 8, 2012
by Brenda A. Kuper, M.D.
by Brenda A. Kuper, M.D.
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