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Diabetes doctor shortage revealed


Hundreds more diabetes specialists are needed in the NHS to cope with a rising tide of the disease, says a report.

While adult diabetes is on the increase, the number of doctors skilled in managing the condition remains the same.

Experts say that the failure to boost the number of training places for doctors to learn such skills could leave the NHS short for decades to come.

Adult-onset, or type II diabetes, is one of the most common illnesses among middle-aged and older people in the UK.

This weekend, it was revealed that Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott had been diagnosed with the condition.

If it is not properly managed, patients can suffer severe complications - such as blindness, amputations and kidney disease - and are at far higher risk of developing heart disease or suffering a stroke.

The number of people with the illness is expected to increase by half over the next decade.

No trainees
The survey, conducted by the charity diabetes UK, found that if the number of consultant posts is to rise to the level recommended by an NHS advisory group, then the current number of trainees would fill only half the new posts.

Only one in five health authorities in England and Wales current have the recommended number of consultants per head of population.

Paul Streets, from Diabetes UK, said: "Diabetes is too deadly to ignore.

"Without enough diabetes specialists in our hospitals people will die unnecessarily."
"Without enough diabetes specialists in our hospitals people will die unnecessarily"
Paul Streets, Diabetes UK

The government is due to publish a "national service framework" for diabetes - a set of standards for hospitals and GPs across the country.

However, the charity says that resources must be pumped into the disease.

'Time bomb'

Their call is backed by the Royal College of Physicians, which helped carry out the survey. Many more people are being struck down with diabetes

Its president, Sir George Alberti - himself a diabetes specialist - said: "We are sitting on a time bomb and will not be able to deliver the necessary care demanded by both our patients and the government unless drastic action is taken."

[Nando Times]

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Last Revised at December 10, 2007 by Lusine Kazoyan, M.D.

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