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Papers hail cancer drug


A breast cancer drug is being hailed as "the biggest step forward in 20 years" in the treatment of the disease, according to the front page of the Daily Mail.

It is one of several papers to report on the successful results of Arimidex, which in trials has been shown to work significantly better than current "frontline" drug tamoxifen.

The paper says women diagnosed with early tumours could be taking the new drug as a daily pill by the end of the year.

Faulty line

As normal train services resume through Potters Bar railway station on Monday, a Daily Mirror investigation claims to reveal 30 faults along a 10-mile (16.1-kilometre) stretch of busy commuter line.

Under the headline: "It's Nuts", a photograph shows a piece of track with a bolt missing, another loose and a safety clip that has sprung out of place.

The paper claims all of the faults discovered had been reported - but none had been fixed.

An unnamed rail maintenance worker tells the Mirror: "If you knew as much as I do about the state of the track, you'd think twice about taking the train".

The Guardian publishes a letter written by two of the survivors of the Potters Bar crash.

They say transport secretary Stephen Byers has shown himself to be "nothing more than cowardly and evasive" and should do the "honourable thing and resign".

Opinion toll

It is not just the rail network, but also the road system that comes in for scrutiny - with much critical comment of the controversial plans to introduce tolls on Britain's roads.

Amid fears that new "multi-lane super-motorways" will be a threat to the surrounding countryside, the Daily Mail's "Mac" cartoon shows a car that has just run over a hedgehog.

Surveying the damage with his son, the father tries to explain what sort of creature it is.

The little boy asks: "A hedgehog? - But Daddy, what's a hedge?"

The Times also uses a cartoon to tackle the issue.

An unhappy motorist consults a sign asking him to get into the appropriate lane to pay his toll.

His choices are: "Angry, Very Angry or Livid".

Weed to know

The Independent and The Guardian look ahead to Monday's opening of the Chelsea Flower Show to reveal weeds are the "in thing".

The even better news for the reluctant gardener is it is not the designer weeds such as teasels and fennel that are all the rage - but "proper weeds" like daisies, dandelions and nettles.

In fashion magazine-style, The Guardian explains: "The look is more retro-hippy, a 1970s chill-out-in-the-hay-meadow feel, with a hint of North American ethnic".

Beck to school

And it might come as a surprise to some but according to The Daily Telegraph, scientists have branded England captain David Beckham a genius.

The paper reports on a combined study by engineers in England, Belgium and Japan of Beckham's free kick against Greece, which took England to the World Cup.

The research suggests the player can calculate "very detailed trajectories" quicker than a computer.

According to the study, Beckham's ability to take into account the transition from turbulent to smooth air flow, which causes the ball to dip in flight, makes him "the Einstein of football physics".

[ArmMed News]

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Last Revised at December 10, 2007 by Lusine Kazoyan, M.D.

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