Marburg: Recommendations for Humanitarian Workers

If you travel to an area affected by the Marburg VHF outbreak, the following guidelines are recommended:

Before you leave

  • Assemble a travel health kit containing basic first aid and medical supplies. Be sure to include a thermometer, household disinfectant, and alcohol-based hand rubs for hand hygiene. In addition, you may wish to include a supply of disposable gloves and fluid-resistant masks if you may be in situations where you have close contact with persons suspected of having Marburg infection.  
  • Inform yourself and others who may be traveling with you about Marburg virus. For information about this illness, see CDC’s Marburg Web site.  
  • Be sure you are up to date with all your immunizations, and see your health-care provider at least 4-6 weeks before travel to get any additional immunizations, medications, or information you may need. For information on CDC health recommendations for international travel, see CDC’s Travelers’ Health site.  
  • You may wish to check your health insurance plan or get additional insurance that covers medical evacuation in the event of illness. Information about medical evacuation services can be found at this U.S. Department of State page.  
  • Identify in-country health-care resources in advance of your trip.

While you are in an area where Marburg hemorrhagic fever has been reported

  • Observe barrier techniques when in close contact with persons who have Marburg hemorrhagic fever or persons and animals suspected of having Marburg virus infection. These barrier techniques include wearing protective gowns, gloves, and masks in addition to eye protection (e.g., eye glasses) or face shields. Sterilization or proper disposal of needles and equipment, and proper disposal of patient excretions are also important to prevent the spread of infection.  
  • As with other infectious illnesses, one of the most important preventive practices is careful and frequent handwashing. Cleaning your hands often, using soap and water (or waterless alcohol-based hand rubs when soap is not available and hands are not visibly soiled with blood or body fluids), removes potentially infectious materials from your skin and helps prevent disease transmission. When wearing gloves, wash the gloves with soap and water before removing them, and then wash your hands.  
  • Avoid contact with ill or dead animals, especially primates.  
  • Do not eat “bushmeat” (wild animals, including primates, sold for consumption as food in local markets).

If you think you have Marburg virus infection or symptoms compatible with Marburg VHF

  • If you or your family members become ill with fever or develop other symptoms such as chills, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, or rash, visit a health-care provider immediately and inform them that you may have been in contact with someone with Marburg hemorrhagic fever. The nearest U.S. Embassy or Consular Office can help you find a provider in the area. You are encouraged to identify these resources in advance. When traveling to a health-care provider, limit your contact with others. All other travel should be avoided.

After your return

Persons returning from the affected area should monitor their health for 10 days. Any traveler who becomes ill, even if only a fever, should consult a health-care provider immediately and tell him or her about their recent travel and potential contacts. Tell the provider about your symptoms prior to going to the office or emergency room so arrangements can be made, if necessary, to prevent transmission to others in the health-care setting. -

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 9, 2011
Last revised: by Sebastian Scheller, MD, ScD