Risk Factors for Marburg virus

About risk factors: Risk factors for Marburg virus are factors that do not seem to be a direct cause of the disease, but seem to be associated in some way. Having a risk factor for Marburg virus makes the chances of getting a condition higher but does not always lead to Marburg virus. Also, the absence of any risk factors or having a protective factor does not necessarily guard you against getting Marburg virus. For general information and a list of risk factors, see the risk center.

Risk factor list: The list of risk factors mentioned for Marburg virus in various sources includes:

  • Exposure to infected person  
  • Hospital staff of infected person  
  • Family members of infected person  
  • Primates  
  • Animal laboratory workers  
  • Animal quarantine facility workers

Risk factors discussion: People who have close contact with a human or non-human primate infected with the virus are at risk. Such persons include laboratory or quarantine facility workers who handle non-human primates that have been associated with the disease. In addition, hospital staff and family members who care for patients with the disease are at risk if they do not use proper barrier nursing techniques.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 4, 2011
Last revised: by Dave R. Roger, M.D.