Adolescents 2003 - Contraception for Adolescents

Unfortunately, even today the programs offering consultation and information to adolescents do not suffice to enrich the basic knowledge on protection from STDs and other serious complications of premature sexual life. However, we should be optimistic since the abortion and adolescent pregnancy rates in countries with effective sexual education systems have presented a decline.

The decision to abort or to carry out a pregnancy during adolescence is not easy. A number of issues are related to the decision made, such as the negative socioeconomic status, the future fertility options, and the adverse health consequences related to teenage pregnancy.

Contraception and good reproductive health represent one of the revolutions of the 21st century. The first should be updated with new research programs, which by now has presented significant results. The second issue is related to the safe motherhood program, which today is being seriously considered by several bodies, mainly by FIGO. The wish is that sexual education programs start immediately, in those countries which still lack such programs, while healthcare professionals and the family itself should assist young individuals to overcome the difficulties in the beginning of their sexual life and enjoy adolescence.


Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: June 14, 2011
Last revised: by Andrew G. Epstein, M.D.