Contraception for Adolescents and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STDs, including HIV infections, implicates contraceptive behavior of adolescents in several issues. This is the main reason that the condoms have become a popular contraceptive method. The double Dutch method and the use of the contraceptive sponge during adolescence are two of the several attempts which have been undertaken to improve effectiveness and technology of contraception during adolescence, in a way to protect young individuals from STDs.

Adolescents with high-risk sexual behavior should be screened for STDs including Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhea and HIV.

Questions on ectopic pregnancy, infertility and genital cancer present possible implications for young females concerning the future of their reproductive life. STD acquisition by adolescents is increased for a variety of biological and psychosocial reasons. Since sexual activity starts earlier these days, for both boys and girls, young people prefer to start their sexual relations with older partners respectively, who are theoretically more experienced, but on the other hand carry the risk of contamination with STDs. It is reported that half of all new infections of HIV occur among young people. Thus the development of combined methods of contraception, which carry both spermicidal and bactericidal properties, including anti-HIV protection, is absolutely necessary today for the prevention of both adolescent pregnancy and STDs.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 4, 2011
Last revised: by Janet A. Staessen, MD, PhD