Special Considerations in the Treatment of Diabetic Hypertensive Patients
Jul 20 07


Hypertension - Developing an Antihypertensive Regimen
Jul 20 07


Complications of Untreated Hypertension
Jul 20 07


Goals of Hypertension Treatment
Jul 20 07


Hypertension Nonpharmacologic Therapy
Jul 20 07


High Blood Pressure May Mask Potentially Deadly Heart Condition
Jul 10 07


Consumption of small amounts of dark chocolate associated with reduction in blood pressure
Jul 04 07


Personalized Medicine for High Blood Pressure
Jun 21 07


Release of new guidelines on the management of arterial hypertension
Jun 13 07


Researchers discover link between common sleep disorder and high blood pressure
Jun 12 07


Exercise training helps control blood pressure
Jun 12 07


Home blood pressure monitoring deemed very useful
Jun 08 07


To Get BP Under Control, Combination of Medicines May Be Best
May 21 07


One pill may be better than two for treating patients with high blood pressure
May 14 07


Cocoa, not tea, calms blood pressure, study says
Apr 10 07


Study identifies steps to improve safety of renal artery stenting
Mar 26 07


Heavy coffee drinkers show no blood pressure rise
Mar 21 07


New research finds that cholesterol busting statins also reduce blood pressure
Mar 09 07


Body’s Internal Clock Controls Blood Pressure
Feb 22 07


Child’s trauma may affect parents’ health
Feb 20 07


Common Blood Pressure Drug Treats Muscular Dystrophy in Mice
Jan 22 07


Hypertension, prehypertension in young linked with heart enlargement
Jan 08 07


A drink may help high blood pressure risk
Jan 03 07


Risk factors for hypertension start young
Dec 22 06


Surprising Interaction between Genes, Gender, and Hypertension
Dec 16 06


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