You are here : > Mental Health Center > Internet Addiction Internet Addiction Computer Addiction: What Is It? • Internet Addiction • May 03 08 In 1995, I noticed that I was spending more and more time playing solitaire on my computer. I was trying to learn a new computer program and was very frustrated by it.… Internet Addiction: Recognition and Interventions • Internet Addiction • May 03 08 ALTHOUGH THE PSYCHIATRIC recognition of computer or Internet addiction is approximately two decades old (Shotton, 1989), controversy surrounding whether or not it is a mental illness may interfere with recognition and treatment.… Internet addiction, prevalence and epidemiological features: First study in Iran • Internet Addiction • May 03 08 Background and Aims: The concept of Internet addiction, also called Internet addictive disorder or pathological Internet use, entered the medical lexicon in 1995. To investigate the prevalence… Using the Finnish internet addiction test version to measure heavy use of the web • Internet Addiction • May 03 08 Background & Aims: The interest on the possible problems that might be associated with heavy use of the web has increased. The aim… Internet addiction and Romanian children • Internet Addiction • May 03 08 The most common reasons parents cite for buying home computers are children’s education (36 percent). Likewise, parents cite education (45 percent) as the most common motivation for their children to use the… Psychological factors of preventing internet-addiction of teenagers • Internet Addiction • May 03 08 Our original research is dedicated to the analysis of factors of preventing Internet-addiction of teenagers. We have allocated main directions and approaches to studying psychological peculiarities of Internet-addiction in the… The relationship between development identity and internet addiction: study • Internet Addiction • May 03 08 Background: Computer and Internet use by children and adolescents is widespread and begins at an early age. They commonly use computers for playing games, completing school assignments, email,… Issues for DSM-V: Internet Addiction • Addictions • • Internet Addiction • Apr 30 08 Internet addiction appears to be a common disorder that merits inclusion in DSM-V. Conceptually, the diagnosis is a compulsive-impulsive spectrum disorder that involves online and/or offline computer usage (1, 2) and consists… Page 2 of 2 pages < 1 2 << Back to main