Kids ‘hearing voices’ may be at high suicide risk

Among teens in a new study from Ireland, those who reported hearing voices were at greatly elevated risk of attempting suicide within the year compared to their peers with or without mental disorders who did not experience voices.

Considered a symptom of psychosis, hearing voices was linked to a nearly 70-fold higher likelihood of a suicide attempt over the course of a year in the study of 13-to-16 year olds. That could make the symptom a valuable early-warning sign for parents to act on, according to the study’s authors.

The relationship between suicide and these symptoms had not previously been known, lead author Dr. Ian Kelleher, of the department of psychiatry at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin, told Reuters Health.

He and colleagues used data they gathered for a larger European study to follow 1,112 Irish adolescents for one year, checking in with them three times over the year and asking them to report any psychotic symptoms or suicide attempts.

At the first assessment, 77 of the teens reported having some psychotic symptoms - which include hearing voices or other sounds that are not there.

Of the kids who had such auditory hallucinations, seven percent reported a suicide attempt by the next check-in three months later, compared to one percent of the kids without psychotic symptoms at the first assessment.

differences in mammography recall rate between 2 centers At one year, 20 percent of the kids who heard voices reported a suicide attempt compared to 2.5 percent of the other kids, according to the results in JAMA Psychiatry.

The group at highest risk was kids who had other psychiatric illnesses like anxiety, depression or obsessive compulsive disorder, and also reported hearing voices. Thirty-four percent of them reported a suicide attempt by the one-year mark.

“The important thing here is that we know that individuals with psychiatric illness are at higher risk of suicidal behavior than the rest of the population but still the large majority of these individuals will never attempt suicide,” Kelleher said.

Just having a psychiatric illness is not a good indicator that someone will attempt suicide, but that in combination with hearing voices is an excellent way to identify high-risk groups, he said.

“While it’s not surprising that people with psychotic symptoms are at higher suicide risk, what’s really noteworthy in this study is the magnitude of the increase in risk,” said Ian Colman, who researches mental health epidemiology and suicide risk at the University of Ottawa in Canada.

According to the paper, more than half of teen suicide attempts could be prevented if “hearing voices” could be unilaterally cured, said Colman, who was not involved in the study.

There is evidence that many factors contribute to hearing voices, including genetics or a history of physical or sexual abuse in childhood, he said.

Kids who hear voices or sounds that nobody else hears don’t usually tell their friends or family, but trained doctors can usually get young people to open up Kelleher said.

“These are clinical symptoms that a doctor should carefully assess in patients presenting with psychiatric illness, just as a doctor would assess for (irregular heart rhythms) in a patient presenting with shortness of breath,” he said.

Even with these striking new results, predicting who will attempt suicide remains very difficult, Colman said.

“Suicidal behavior is strongly linked to mental illness, so one of the best things we can do to prevent suicide is to encourage children and their parents to seek treatment if they are concerned about their mental health,” he said.

“More generally, we can try to create environments in our homes, our schools and our communities where adolescents feel comfortable to come forward if they are struggling with their mental health or thinking about suicide,” he said.


SOUCE: JAMA Psychiatry, online July 17, 2013


Psychotic Symptoms and Population Risk for Suicide Attempt

Adolescents with psychopathology who report psychotic symptoms are at clinical high risk for suicide attempts. More careful clinical assessment of psychotic symptoms (attenuated or frank) in mental health services and better understanding of their pathological significance are urgently needed.

World Health Organization statistics place suicide among the leading causes of death worldwide. Approximately half of patients who complete suicide have contact with primary care providers in the month before their death, suggesting the possibility of prevention. However, suicide risk assessment is recognized to be one of the most difficult areas of clinical practice. Although psychopathology, especially depression, is well established as a major risk factor for suicidal behavior, its high prevalence in the population makes it difficult to identify a meaningful “at risk” group. Further research to identify potential clinical markers of risk for suicidal behavior is sorely needed, especially in adolescents, an age group in whom the risk for suicide attempts peaks.

A great deal of research has established that psychotic symptoms are far more prevalent in the population than actual psychotic disorder; a meta-analysis of community-based studies in adolescents (aged 13-18 years) demonstrated a median population prevalence of 7.5%. These symptoms may be frankly psychotic but more commonly occur in attenuated form; that is, experiences that are hallucinatory or delusional but in which reality testing remains intact. The most common symptom reported by young persons, for example, is hearing a voice speaking aloud in the absence of an external stimulus. In contrast to the requirements for formal categorization as a true hallucination, however, reality testing is usually intact with this symptom. That is, as with a true hallucination, the individual perceives the sound of a voice in the absence of a stimulus; unlike with a true hallucination, however, he or she will usually accept, at least when directly challenged, that although the voice was perceived as external in origin, it may have arisen from his or her own mind.

Recent research findings, in both community- and clinic-based studies, suggest that these symptoms may be an underrecognized marker of risk for suicidal behavior. However, studies to date have lacked temporal information; no longitudinal studies, to our knowledge, have examined psychotic symptoms as a predictor of suicidal behavior over time. In the current study, we investigated whether psychotic symptoms, reported at baseline, would predict an increased incidence of suicide attempts at 3- and 12-month follow-up. Because recent research has shown that most adolescents in the population who report psychotic symptoms have at least 1 nonpsychotic Axis 1 psychiatric disorder, we also investigated whether the co-occurrence of psychotic symptoms with psychopathology would predict an increased risk of suicide attempt, beyond that predicted by psychopathology alone. Specifically, we hypothesized that psychotic symptoms would be an important marker of clinical risk for future suicidal behavior and that such symptoms in adolescents with psychopathology would increase the risk of suicidal behavior beyond that associated with psychopathology alone.

Ian Kelleher, MD, PhD; Paul Corcoran, PhD; Helen Keeley, MD; Johanna T. W. Wigman, PhD; Nina Devlin, MD; Hugh Ramsay, MD; Camilla Wasserman, MA; Vladimir Carli, MD, PhD; Marco Sarchiapone, MD; Christina Hoven, DrPH; Danuta Wasserman, MD, PhD; Mary Cannon, MD, PhD

JAMA Psychiatry. 2013;():-. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.140

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