Sleeping Pill Death Toll May Top 500,000
Feb 28 12


Southerners the sleepiest in the US, study says
Feb 26 12


Trouble sleeping? It may affect your memory later on
Feb 15 12


With no firm science, sleep standards are slipping
Feb 13 12


Sleep Breathing Machine Shows Clear Benefits in Children with Sleep Apnea
Feb 12 12


Sleep problems increase risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, study shows
Jan 20 12


Lack of sleep makes your brain hungry
Jan 18 12


Loud hospital rooms linked to poor patient sleep
Jan 11 12


Babies’ sleep problems persist into toddler years
Jan 05 12


Young Diabetics Struggle To Get Good Night’s Sleep, Health, Behavior Problems Ensue
Jan 03 12


Sleep disorders common in cops: study
Dec 21 11


Tart cherry juice drinkers gain sleep advantage
Dec 08 11


Babies sleep better following afternoon vaccines
Nov 29 11


Hypoglossal nerve stimulation increases airflow during sleep in obstructive sleep apnea
Nov 25 11


Physical activity impacts overall quality of sleep
Nov 23 11


Poor sleep habits linked to increased risk of fibromyalgia in women
Nov 14 11


Sleep Medication: Mother’s New Little Helper
Nov 06 11


Loneliness may cause fitful sleep: study
Nov 02 11


How lonely you are may impact how well you sleep, research shows
Nov 01 11


Thyroid Surgery Can Reduce Snoring, Other Sleep Apnea Symptoms
Oct 29 11


Lack of sleep may lead to weight gain in teens
Oct 24 11


Sleep disruption for breastfed babies is temporary
Oct 17 11


If You Don’t Snooze, Do You Lose?
Oct 10 11


The risk of suffering from insomnia is 67 percent higher if a family member is insomniac
Sep 12 11


About 1 in 4 U.S. Workers Has Insomnia
Sep 01 11


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