Sleep issues contribute to cognitive problems in childhood cancer survivors
Apr 11 11


Cardiovascular disease can be detected earlier during sleep
Apr 04 11


As we sleep, speedy brain waves boost our ability to learn
Mar 08 11


Sleepy connected Americans
Mar 07 11


Not getting enough sleep? Turn off the technology
Mar 07 11


The better off sleep better
Mar 04 11


Moderate Sleep Loss Impairs Vigilance and Sustained Attention in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Mar 01 11


Poor sleep quality is associated with greater disability in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Feb 15 11


Too Little Sleep, Too Often, May Harm Your Heart
Feb 11 11


Workplace noise-related hearing loss affects sleep quality—Ben Gurion U. researchers
Jan 26 11


Sleep-disordered breathing comes at a heavy cost
Jan 13 11


Sleep mode: The energy cost of sleep deprivation
Jan 13 11


Sleep apnea device eases fatigue in three weeks
Jan 01 11


The high price of sleep disorders
Dec 18 10


Sleepless soldiers: Study suggests that military deployment affects sleep patterns
Dec 02 10


Nighttime sleep found beneficial to infants’ skills
Nov 16 10


Ending Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
Nov 01 10


When do babies start sleeping through the night?
Oct 26 10


Why does lack of sleep affect us differently? Study hints it may be in our genes
Oct 26 10


Cardiac wakeup call for Canadian kids
Oct 26 10


Sleep disturbances show clear association with work disability
Oct 25 10


Sleep problems common in arthritis patients
Oct 18 10


Sleep loss might thwart dieters’ fat loss
Oct 05 10


Women’s Study Finds Longevity Means Getting Just Enough Sleep
Oct 01 10


Stop using baby sleep devices, U.S. tells parents
Sep 29 10


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