Sleep disruption can trigger sleepwalking
Jun 24 08


Sleep apnea boosts severe car crash risk
Jun 13 08


Extra sleep boosts athletic performance: study
Jun 10 08


Insomnia tied to suicide tendency in college women
Jun 10 08


Insomnia significantly affects the school performance of college students
Jun 09 08


Excessive mobile phone use affects sleep in teens
Jun 09 08


Sleepy driving highly prevalent among college students
Jun 09 08


College students involved in extracurricular activities are more likely to have sleep deprivation
Jun 09 08


Women worrying about cancer are more likely to experience sleep disturbances
Jun 09 08


Sleepy brain prone to sudden shutdowns study
May 22 08


Sleep deprivation affects ability to make sense of what we see
May 21 08


Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with CPAP may lower blood pressure
May 19 08


Melatonin helps critically ill patients sleep
May 12 08


Link between sleep fragmentation and daytime napping in older adults
May 01 08


Sleep duration related to having the metabolic syndrome
May 01 08


A significant difference in the sleep disturbances among Alzheimer patients, caregivers
May 01 08


Phase of clock gene expression in human leukocytes correlates with habitual sleep timing
May 01 08


Sleep problems common in kids with ADHD
Apr 26 08


Children with Migraine at Increased Risk of Sleep Disturbances
Apr 18 08


Study sheds light on link between sleep disorder, behavior issues in kids
Apr 09 08


Losing sleep? Blame it on long working hours
Apr 09 08


Insomnia may perpetuate depression in some elderly patients
Apr 01 08


Adolescents with Chronic Insomnia Lose More than Sleep
Mar 20 08


Molecular Biology of Sleep Apnea Could Lead to New Treatments
Mar 19 08


Sleep deprivation used to diagnose sleepwalking
Mar 19 08


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