Bad sleep may be harder on women’s hearts, minds
Mar 17 08


Scripps Professor, Author of New Book on Challenges of Sleeplessness
Mar 15 08


Chronic Sleep Disruption Can Cause Heart and Kidney Disease
Mar 14 08


Chronic Sleep Disruption Can Cause Heart and Kidney Disease
Mar 13 08


New research provides dynamic visualization of simplest circadian clock
Mar 13 08


Poor sleep more dangerous for women
Mar 10 08


Physicians report they need more sleep
Mar 04 08


A similarity in the meaning of sleep quality between insomniacs, normal sleepers
Mar 02 08


Children with OSA have abnormal respiratory-related evoked potentials
Mar 02 08


New study in the journal SLEEP finds a high prevalence of eating disorders in narcoleptics
Mar 02 08


Snoring linked to cardiovascular disease, increased health-care utilization
Mar 02 08


Surgery Improves Quality of Life for Children with Sleep Apnea
Feb 13 08


Don’t Lose Sleep Over Daylight Saving Time
Feb 11 08


Rest Assured You’re Making the Most of Bedtime
Feb 11 08


Teens’ sleep problems may be chronic
Feb 08 08


Smokers Sleep Less Soundly
Feb 06 08


Insomnia patients often denied sleep treatment when they have mental health conditions
Feb 04 08


Respiratory disturbances during sleep increase significantly with age
Feb 01 08


Chronic insomnia can predict future functioning of adolescents
Feb 01 08


New study in the journal Sleep finds a systematic change in dreams after Sept. 11, 2001
Feb 01 08


Desperate for sleep
Jan 29 08


Snorers appear more likely to develop chronic bronchitis
Jan 29 08


AASM statement on use of sleep medications
Jan 24 08


Sleep apnea tied to risk of mental impairment
Jan 23 08


Sleep duration tied to children’s weight
Jan 14 08


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