What are the symptoms of a serious clinical depression?
Jul 08 04

A Major Depression is marked by a combination of symptoms that occur together, and last for at least two weeks without significant improvement.  Symptoms… What are the symptoms of a serious clinical depression?   



Help for depression
Jul 08 04

Helping Yourself

Depressive disorders make you feel exhausted, worthless, helpless, and hopeless. Such negative thoughts and feelings make some people feel like giving up.… Help for depression   



Facts About Bipolar Illness
Jul 08 04

  • More than 2 million Americans have manic-depressive illness. It is extremely distressing and disruptive to their lives.  
  • Like any… Facts About Bipolar Illness   


    Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
    Jul 08 04

    Psychological treatment often focuses on the life adjustment problems that develop because of the manic episodes, and in helping the individual recognize the onset… Treatment of Bipolar Disorder   



    Index of anti depressant Medications
    Jul 08 04

    This list pairs the Trade Names of antidepressants with their generic names. Sometimes you can find additional information about a medication under its generic… Index of anti depressant Medications   



    Medication Precautions
    Jul 08 04

    Special Considerations

    Children, the elderly, and pregnant and nursing women have special concerns and needs when taking psychotherapeutic medications. Some effects of medications on… Medication Precautions   



    Side Effects of Antidepressant Medications
    Jul 08 04

    1. Tricyclic Antidepressants

    There are a number of possible side effects with tricyclic antidepressants that vary, depending on the medication. For example, amitriptyline… Side Effects of Antidepressant Medications   



    Bipolar Depression
    Jul 08 04

    What is Bipolar Disorder?

    The distinguishing characteristic of Bipolar Disorder, as compared to other mood disorders, is the presence of at least one manic… Bipolar Depression   



    Major Depression
    Jul 08 04

    This is the most severe category of depression. In a major depression, more of the symptoms of depression are present, and they are usually… Major Depression   



    Types of depression
    Jul 08 04

    Depressive disorders come in different forms. There are several different diagnoses for depression, mostly determined by the intensity of the symptoms, the duration of… Types of depression   



    Symptoms of Depression
    Jul 08 04

    A Major Depression is marked by a combination of symptoms that occur together, and last for at least two weeks without significant improvement.  Symptoms… Symptoms of Depression   



    Differences Between Major Depression and Other Depressions
    Jul 08 04

    The differences between Major Depression and other depressions, such as bipolar depression, dysthymia, or reactive depression, are primarily intended for psychologists planning treatment, and… Differences Between Major Depression and Other Depressions   



    Causes of depression
    Jul 08 04

    You may have heard people talk about chemical imbalances in the brain that occur in depression, suggesting that depression is a medical illness, without… Causes of depression   



    What is depression?
    Jul 08 04

    Depression is a “whole-body” illness, involving your body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about… What is depression?   



    Depression Treatment
    Jul 08 04

    Depression is not something you can just “snap out of.” It’s caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals, along with other factors. Like any… Depression Treatment   



    Not All Sexual Dysfunction Drugs Same
    Jun 30 04

    Viagra and its competitors, Levitra and Cialis, are marketed heavily for the treatment of sexual dysfunction, but is there much of a difference between… Not All Sexual Dysfunction Drugs Same   



    Erectile dysfunction Glossary
    Jun 04 04

    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of… Erectile dysfunction Glossary   



    Diagnosing erectile dysfunction
    Jun 04 04

    If you are concerned about erectile dysfunction, talk about it with your doctor. Of course, that’s easier said than done. Most people-physicians included-have long… Diagnosing erectile dysfunction   



    Erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure
    Jun 04 04

    High blood pressure, also called hypertension or “HBP,” is one of the most closely linked conditions to erectile dysfunction (ED). Not only can high… Erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure   



    Erectile dysfunction and diabetes
    Jun 04 04

    Most people with diabetes know the long-term effects it can have on the body. That’s why they strive to live a healthy lifestyle and… Erectile dysfunction and diabetes   



    Erectile dysfunction and depression
    Jun 04 04

    New treatments for erectile dysfunction have renewed attention to this age-old medical condition. Estimates are that 30 million American men suffer from erectile dysfunction… Erectile dysfunction and depression   



    A pregnancy breakthrough
    May 26 04

    When her pregnancy test showed up positive, Ines Acevedo did not believe she was pregnant. After years of trying to conceive, she had recently… A pregnancy breakthrough   



    Couple should see doctor after 2 years trying for baby
    May 26 04

    Q. My husband and I have been together since college and have been trying to have a baby for more than two years. He… Couple should see doctor after 2 years trying for baby   



    Symptoms of Pregnancy
    May 26 04

    Listen to Your Body

    How can you be sure you’re pregnant? If you are unusually tuned in to your body, you might begin to… Symptoms of Pregnancy   



    Infertility Medications (Drugs)
    May 26 04

    The most commonly prescribed infertility drugs are clomiphene citrate, gonadotropins, gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists and progesterone and progesterone-like substances. The following is a… Infertility Medications (Drugs)   


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