Finding a Program
May 25 04

During any one year, over half of Americans go on a diet to lose weight. For many people, it is difficult to lose more… Finding a Program   



Weight Loss Pills
May 25 04

Over-the-Counter Diet Pills:
Commercials for weight-loss drugs show how easy it is to lose weight if you just pop one of their magic… Weight Loss Pills   



Weight Loss Drugs
May 25 04

The popularity of weight loss drugs and supplements are on the rise, but according to the first federal guidelines for the treatment for weight… Weight Loss Drugs   



Weight Loss Diet
May 25 04

A large portion of our country’s meat, chicken, and dairy products contain foreign estrogens that are used by farmers for profit and at the… Weight Loss Diet   



Weight Cycling
May 25 04

Weight cycling is the repeated loss and regain of body weight. When weight cycling is the result of dieting, it is called “yo-yo” dieting.… Weight Cycling   



Exercise and Weight Control
May 25 04

Regular physical activity is an important part of effective weight control. It helps to control your weight by using excess calories that otherwise would… Exercise and Weight Control   



Controlling How Much You Eat
May 25 04

One of the key ways to maintain a healthy weight is to control your portion sizes. Research has shown that Americans often underestimate how… Controlling How Much You Eat   



How to Read Food Labels
May 25 04

Just about every packaged food made in the U.S. has a food label indicating serving size and other nutritional information. The “Nutrition Facts” food… How to Read Food Labels   



Losing Weight for the Long-Term
May 25 04

Losing weight and keeping it off is not easy. Before you get started on a weight loss program, consider the following tips. They should… Losing Weight for the Long-Term   



Your Guide to Weight Loss
May 25 04

One out of every three Americans is overweight, and more children are considered obese today than ever before. But, you don’t have to resign… Your Guide to Weight Loss   



Sickle Cell Anemia
May 25 04

Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease that affects the hemoglobin molecules in the blood. The disease occurs because one amino acid changes in… Sickle Cell Anemia   



Iron-Deficiency Anemia
May 25 04

Iron-deficiency anemia definition:

Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. It is the lack of iron in the blood, which is necessary… Iron-Deficiency Anemia   



What is hemolytic anemia?
May 25 04

Hemolytic anemia is a disorder in which the red blood cells are destroyed too soon.

What causes hemolytic anemia?

What is hemolytic anemia?   


Symptoms of Anemia
May 25 04

The clinical manifestations vary with the age, degree and rapidity of onset, presence of subjacent illness and other factors.

Mild anemia is often… Symptoms of Anemia   



May 25 04

One of the most common disorders caused by nutritional deficiency is anemia due to an insufficiency of B-12. This nutrient has the largest molecular… Anemia   



Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
May 25 04

What is AIDS? What causes AIDS?

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

An HIV-positive person receives an AIDS diagnosis after developing… Human Immunodeficiency Virus.   



I’m HIV positive. hiv and oral sex. HIV symptom - aids symptom.
May 25 04

What is the difference between an Anonymous and a Confidential Test?

Anonymous and Confidential use the same testing method. The only difference is… I’m HIV positive. hiv and oral sex. HIV symptom - aids symptom.   



Early hiv symptom. HIV infection.
May 25 04

How is HIV Transmitted?
HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to another through:

  • Blood (including menstrual blood)
  • Semen… Early hiv symptom. HIV infection.   


    Sexually transmitted disease - HIV and AIDS Symptoms. Early hiv symptom.
    May 25 04

    What is AIDS? What causes AIDS?
    AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

    An HIV-positive person receives an AIDS diagnosis after… Sexually transmitted disease - HIV and AIDS Symptoms. Early hiv symptom.   



    AIDS HIV Prevention
    May 25 04

    The HIV test is simple. Home tests are available. You can also get tested at labs that keep your identity secret. You can also… AIDS HIV Prevention   



    HIV Symptoms. AIDS HIV Detection and Treatment
    May 25 04

    How Do I Know If I Have HIV?
    The only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get… HIV Symptoms. AIDS HIV Detection and Treatment   



    AIDS/HIV Symptoms
    May 25 04

    What Are the Symptoms?
    HIV infection comes in three stages: acute infection, chronic infection, and AIDS.

    Acute HIV infection is… AIDS/HIV Symptoms   



    What Is AIDS?  The Basics
    May 25 04

    What Is AIDS?
    AIDS is short for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. AIDS is a disease that slowly destroys the body’s immune system.… What Is AIDS?  The Basics   


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