Birth Control
Oct 03 04

If a woman is sexually active and she is fertile - physically able to become pregnant - she needs to ask herself, “Do I… Birth Control   



Contraceptive Sponge
Oct 03 04

The contraceptive sponge is a doughnut shaped sponge. It is made of polyurethane foam and is impregnated with the spermicide Nonoxynol-9. This spermicide is… Contraceptive Sponge   



Female Condom
Oct 03 04

The female condom is not yet well known in the United States. It is essentially a vaginal pouch made of soft polyurethane (a type… Female Condom   



What are LDL cholesterol particle size patterns A and B?
Oct 03 04

The LDL patterns A and B refer to the size of LDL cholesterol particles in the blood. Some doctors believe that small LDL cholesterol… What are LDL cholesterol particle size patterns A and B?   



Does lowering LDL cholesterol prevent atherosclerosis and heart attacks?
Oct 03 04

Both heredity and diet have a significant influence on a patient’s LDL, HDL and total cholesterol levels. For example, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a… Does lowering LDL cholesterol prevent atherosclerosis and heart attacks?   



How can a second heart attack be prevented?
Oct 03 04

  •   Take aspirin and beta-blockers (propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol) that have been shown to reduce the chances of a second heart attack and… How can a second heart attack be prevented?   


    Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
    Oct 03 04

    Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, another class of blood vessel dilators, often are given orally after a large heart attack to improve the healing… Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors   



    Preventing further heart attacks
    Oct 03 04

    Aspirin is taken daily following a heart attack to reduce the risk of another heart attack. (Preventing further heart attacks is called secondary prevention,… Preventing further heart attacks   



    Cholesterol and The Heart
    Oct 03 04

    What is cholesterol?

    Cholesterol is a fatty substance (a lipid) that is an important part of the outer lining (membrane) of cells in the… Cholesterol and The Heart   



    Heart Attack Related Medications
    Oct 03 04

    GENERIC NAME: atorvastatin
    BRAND NAME: Lipitor

    DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Atorvastatin is an oral drug that lowers the level of cholesterol in the… Heart Attack Related Medications   



    Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
    Oct 03 04

    What is a heart attack?

    A heart attack (also known as a myocardial infarction) is the death of heart muscle from the sudden blockage… Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)   



    Coronary angiography and Heart Attack
    Oct 03 04

    For optimal benefits, coronary angiography and PTCA should be performed as soon as possible. Most cardiologists recommend that the time interval between the… Coronary angiography and Heart Attack   



    Heart Attack At A Glance
    Oct 03 04


  •   A heart attack results when a blood clot completely obstructs a coronary artery supplying blood to the heart muscle and heart muscle… Heart Attack At A Glance   



    Heparin and Heart Attack
    Oct 03 04

    Heparin. Heparin prevents the formation and growth of blood clots by inhibiting the action of clotting factors that cement the clumps of platelets together.… Heparin and Heart Attack   



    Diagnosis of heart attacks in women
    Oct 03 04

    Women are more likely to encounter delays in establishing the diagnosis of heart attack than men. This is in part because women tend to… Diagnosis of heart attacks in women   



    How is a heart attack diagnosed?
    Oct 03 04

    When there is severe chest pain, suspicion that a heart attack is occurring usually is high, and tests can be performed quickly that will… How is a heart attack diagnosed?   



    What are the symptoms of a heart attack?
    Oct 03 04

    While heart attacks can occur at any time, most heart attacks occur between 4:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. because of the higher blood levels… What are the symptoms of a heart attack?   



    Antidepressant Medication during Pregnancy & Postpartum
    Sep 13 04

    Most commonly used Antidepressant Medication

      SSRI: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

    • Prozac  (also called Fluoxetine )    … Antidepressant Medication during Pregnancy & Postpartum   


      Don’t Stop Taking Your Antidepressants
      Sep 13 04

      Taking Drugs at Least 9 Months Prevents Depression Relapse

      It’s a big problem: Too many people don’t take antidepressants long enough to get the… Don’t Stop Taking Your Antidepressants   



      Treatment of Major Depression
      Sep 13 04


      The first and most critical decision the therapist must make is whether to hospitalize a patient with major depression, or to attempt outpatient… Treatment of Major Depression   



      Major Depression in Children and Adolescents
      Sep 13 04

      This is one of a series of fact sheets on the mental, emotional, and behavior disorders that can appear in childhood or adolescence. The… Major Depression in Children and Adolescents   



      Major Depression (Clinical Depression)
      Sep 13 04

      Major depression is also known as clinical depression, unipolar depression, and major depressive disorder. People who experience major depression feel persistently sad. They do… Major Depression (Clinical Depression)   



      What Is Depression (Major Depression)?
      Sep 13 04

      Major Depression: Overview

      Major Depression affects 15% of Americans at some point during their lives, and 100 million people are affected on any given… What Is Depression (Major Depression)?   



      Sex and Depression - The Real Story
      Sep 13 04

      One of the most common side effects of a number of antidepressant medications is loss of sex drive. I could forgive our friends at… Sex and Depression - The Real Story   



      Major Depression and Manic-Depression
      Sep 13 04

      Countless number of patients and their family members have asked me about manic-depression and major depression. “Is there any difference?” “Are they one and… Major Depression and Manic-Depression    


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