How Do I Know I Have It?

The primary symptom of erectile dysfunction is all too obvious. But how you experience this difficulty depends largely on the root of the problem.

If the condition is tied to stress or other psychological factors, it probably came on suddenly, and you may still have occasional erections, during sleep or when you first wake up. But when damaged nerves, blocked arteries, or other physical problems are the cause, the problem usually worsens gradually, until you can’t have an erection without medical help.

10 Important Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Erectile Dycfunction

  1. Does my erectile dysfunction stem from an underlying illness?
  2. Could any of my medicines be causing this problem or making it worse?
  3. If so, can I safely change my medicines or their doses?
  4. Could stress or other psychological problems be contributing to my erection difficulties?
  5. Should I see a counselor, a sex therapist, or a psychiatrist?
  6. Could Viagra work for me?
  7. If so, how can I take it safely, and what side effects should I look for? If not, is there another medicine that may be an option for me?
  8. How much improvement can I expect?
  9. Am I a good candidate for surgery? If so, what are the procedures and what are the downsides?
  10. Could vacuum devices or implants help? What are the pros and cons of these options?


American Urological Association

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 6, 2011
Last revised: by Dave R. Roger, M.D.