Banish Cellulite?

If you’re battling cellulite, you may be temped by products and methods that promise smooth skin. ConsumerWatch reporter Mike Sigmond put some of the products to the test.

“Famous people have nice smooth skin, smooth bodies, and everyone is trying to attain that sort of look,” said Gretchen Hieb.

What’s keeping women from attaining that look? Omaha dermatologist Joel Schlessinger explained.

“Cellulite is a condition wherein the fat in the body doesn’t receive enough blood flow to it, and without that blood flow, the fat becomes somewhat lumpy,” Schlessinger said.

The doctor said some people confuse cellulite with excess fat or stretch marks, but a doctor can tell the difference. Liposuction can remove excess fat and lotions containing retin a can reduce stretch marks, but banishing cellulite is more challenging.

“We would be the first to admit cellulite treatment isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” Schlessinger said.

Dozens of creams and lotions claim to smooth the skin. Hieb agreed to use the Mary Kay Timewise Body Lotion for four weeks. A Mary Kay representative said the lotion can lessen the appearance of cellulite. A bottle is $23 and the lotion should be applied twice daily.

Hieb’s cellulite problem isn’t extensive, but she doesn’t want it to get worse.

“Honest prediction? I don’t think it’s going to work. I don’t think you can cure cellulite with a cream,” Hieb said.

Dawn Harpster took a different approach. She tried to rid herself of cellulite with exercise. She entered a three-step program from Prevention Magazine. The first step is 12 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, followed by a combination of six strength exercises and six flexibility exercises. She did it all in her living room, on three days a week for 20 minutes a day.

“That’s something I can fit into my schedule and it doesn’t cost me an exorbitant amount of money,” Harpster said.

Some cellulite plans do cost a lot of money. Schlessinger offers the Silhouette treatment, a suction and roller mechanism that runs $60 a session. He said that for best results you should do two sessions a week for 10 straight weeks.

“After seven treatments, you can see what a dramatic improvement, especially in the buttock area,” Schlessinger said.

After the prescribed treatment times, Hieb and Harpster reported back.

Hieb’s Marky Kay lotion performed about as well as she expected. She said she wouldn’t spend the money for a second bottle.

“The cream smelled good and it moisturized, but I don’t think it did much for my cellulite,” Hieb said.

Harpster noticed better results with the exercise.

“Just looking at myself in the mirror, I think I notice some reduction, especially in the back,” she said.

Schlessinger also recommended that women drink as much as two liters of water a day if they’re trying to get rid of cellulite.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: June 21, 2011
Last revised: by David A. Scott, M.D.