Childhood Obesity: A Global Epidemic
Researchers worldwide voiced concern over the growing problem of Obesity among children and teenagers. Unhealthy food diet and lack of physical activity propels Obesity which is the cause of many cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes and cancer.
Dr Yin, the Medical Director of Cayman Islands Cancer Society tends to make Obesity one of the important public health issues in order to create awareness about its dreadful side effects to the people.
Obesity can occur from a wide range of physical and emotional problems including poverty. It could also lead to premature illness and death in adulthood. Children spend few hours playing outside and devote most of their time to computer games, television and talking over the phone.
Health programs to educate and erase obesity should promote fun in physical activities and food. Girls enjoy dancing to popular tunes and boys prefer martial arts over training and fitness exercises.
Children should develop healthy eating habits early in their life. One reason why they don’t is due to the unwillingness parents’ show, to alter their diet for the child. The dangers of parent’s lack of concern for the child’s eating habits will carry to adulthood and children are less likely to live as long as their parents. Fairfax clinical psychologist Janet.R.Laubgross gives out a convincing message to parents when she says, don’t let your children feel uncomfortable, every waking moment of their lives.
Revision date: June 18, 2011
Last revised: by Sebastian Scheller, MD, ScD