Other method used to reduce weight:  Spot Reduction

Spot Exercising.  Anyone seeking to lose weight must expect that the results may not be as cosmetically satisfying as one would wish. Spot exercising, training particular areas of the body, is ineffective in reducing fat in specific locations because exercise draws on fat stores throughout the body. Gimmicky devices such as bust developers, vacuum pants, and exercise belts do absolutely nothing to reduce fat in specific locations or, in the case of the bust developer, to add bulk. Electrical pads wrapped around the waist, arms, or thighs were reported to cause burns and fires.

Cellulite-Removal Products. Many women try to reduce fat in their thighs (cellulite) with creams that contain aminophylline (Cellution, Skinny Dip, Thermojetics Body Toning Cream, Smooth Contours). One study found no reduction of either thighs or stomach areas in women who used the cream for eight weeks. Studies provide no evidence that these creams are effective. Their apparent effect on fat may simply be from constricting blood vessels and forcing water from the skin, which could be dangerous for people with circulation problems. Claims made for Cellasene, a tablet marketed for reducing cellulite, are entirely unsubstantiated.

Liposuction. Liposuction does get rid of fat cells in specific areas, such as the thighs, buttocks, or knees, and weight gain generally occurs more in other locations after the operation. Special instruments are inserted through the skin into the pockets and suction is used to move the fat, break it up, and remove it. Small tubes may be used to drain blood and fluid during the first few days. The pain after the operation can be severe and often the skin does not contract, resulting in a flabby look. Complications can include burns from the vibrators, bruising, blood clots, and bleeding.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 9, 2011
Last revised: by Dave R. Roger, M.D.