The truth behind the diet hype

Loree Taylor Jordan discusses the body’s many resistances to weight loss, from hormone imbalances to metabolic dysfunction, and ways that people can overcome their bodies’ resistance to weight loss.

Get off the scale and put down that protein shake. It’s time to learn the shocking truth about all kinds of hidden weight loss enemies-from metabolic dysfunction to hormonal imbalances and emotional baggage-that are keeping you fat no matter what you do?

Find out what the dieting industry, most doctors and even your training don’t know. Loree Taylor Jordan, author of Fat & Furious: Overcome Your Body’s Resistance To Weight Loss Now, is a holistic health expert and educator as well as a reformed dieting maniac.

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You would have better odds at winning the lottery than losing ten pounds?
  • The clothes in your closet range from thin, medium and OH MY GOD!
  • You would really like to be the weight listed on your driver’s license
  • You have eaten so much tuna cats are following you around?
  • You have so many diet books you can open you own bookstore?
  • A carjacker would have a better chance of stealing your car than your stash of snickers?
  • You eat to punish the diet?

What are the feelings behind the fork?

  • How do you know if you are over-eating to avoid emotional pain?
  • What do some of us get a payoff for staying fat?
  • What are the eating patterns of a food addict? What should I do if I fit the profile of a food addict?
  • How do you know if you have “low thyroid” (which lowers metabolism)?
  • What other hormones affect your ability to lose weight?
  • What medical tests should quick off my diet?
  • What’s the first thing I should do to change my pattern of behavior?
  • Why will this time be any different?
  • Can a support group help and where do I find one?

Been there, eaten that
If you are overeating to avoid and numb out painful emotions than another diet is futile.

Dealing with the underlying negative emotional patterns are the only way to weight loss success. If an individual does not have healthy tools to deal with emotional conflict and pain then shaming and belittling them into losing weight will only cause more eating to create more “protection” in the form of fat.

Thyroid hormones control your metabolic rate and this affects you ability to loose weight. It can happen that you are not an emotional eater, but truly has a hormonal imbalance that is preventing them from losing weight such as hypothyroid. Until your hormones are balanced any attempts to lose weight will be frustrating at best.

High cortisol levels, a common side effect of too much stress, can also be problematic. Cortisol is a catabolic, meaning it breaks down tissue. This can cause muscle mass and excessive fat gain, especially around the middle. Worse yet, high cortisol suppresses the production of DHEA, an adrenal hormone that is anabolic, meaning it builds and repairs muscle and other tissues. Stress management and DHEA are the keys to reversing the imbalance.

The female hormones, estrogen and progesterone balance each other in a delicate dance. When a woman has too much estrogen relative to progesterone, she tends to gain weight, have fluid retention, have chocolate and sweet cravings. How can women get checked for an imbalance? What is the name of the test to ask for?

One-size fits all approach to dieting doesn’t work. Everyone is bio-chemically unique and should be treated as such. A person’s blood type, metabolic profile is just a few to be taken in consideration for successful weight loss approach.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: June 18, 2011
Last revised: by Andrew G. Epstein, M.D.