Weight Loss Diet
A large portion of our country’s meat, chicken, and dairy products contain foreign estrogens that are used by farmers for profit and at the expense of our health. In addition, pesticide residues and many other petrochemical compounds with estrogenic properties are consumed in the food that is given to these animals and are subsequently concentrated in the milk and fat of the meat.
These harmful estrogens are then deposited in our fatty tissues and on estrogen and progesterone receptors where they are known to interfere in the proper utilization and production of natural progesterone & natural estrogen and have been implicated in promoting other more serious health problems such as fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer. There are, however, “good” estrogens available in our food supply. By replacing animal proteins with saponin rich plant foods such as soy products we can introduce phytoestrogens (genistein), which have a higher affinity for estrogen receptors than “bad’ estrogens and have been demonstrated to have protective influences against Endometrial & breast cancer.
Other Important Considerations include:
- Eliminate commercially grown meat, poultry & dairy (replace with Soy Products {Tofu}, Fish, or free-range organically grown animal meats and dairy)
- Consume more cold water fish and legumes for protein (or protein powder)
- Replace personal care products that contain petro-chemicals with those that are formulated with plant materials
- Avoid Hydrogenated fats and oils as they convert to Trans-Fatty Acids which increase breast cancer risk
- Eliminate completely artificial sweeteners and tobacco products
- Eliminate or reduce consumption of caffeine, alcohol, high fat dairy, and chocolate
- Read the following information on fiber
- Reduce consumption of simple sugars (they promote sharp blood sugar fluctuations)
- Increase cruciferous & dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, and whole grains (Organic if possible)
- Increase complex carbohydrates to 70% of daily caloric intake
- Consume low quantities of protein in the evening
- Consume smaller, more frequent meals or snacks
- Never go more than 4 hours during any day or 12 hours overnight without food
- Drink plenty of water (preferably distilled). 8 glasses daily. Fluid restriction can be harmful.
- Supplement with a properly formulated calcium formula
- Exercise (30-40 minutes four or five days per week)
- Laugh frequently! (preferably with your mate)
- Learn to successfully manage stress
- Replace Traditional Western Recipes with Soy and other Health Promoting Recipes
Revision date: July 3, 2011
Last revised: by Janet A. Staessen, MD, PhD