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Port staff tests publicly for HIV/Aids


Scores of Durban's National Ports Authority (NPA) staff, including senior managers, are being publicly tested for HIV-Aids to promote awareness among workers.

The NPA employs more than 6000 employees countrywide and this campaign focuses on voluntarily testing. Nonhlanhla Mbonambi, a social worker, says most NPA employees are supporting the drive. Workers say the process is often scary, but all agree that testing is necessary.

The NPA also provides employees, with or without HIV, with drugs to boost their immune systems. The company says its goal is not only to support those infected, but also to ensure that those uninfected remain that way.

Content provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: 12 December 2007
Last revised by Amalia K. Gagarina, M.S., R.D.

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