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Women's Conditions > Osteoporosis


Newly Diagnosed
The Basics

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If you've been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you need to be on guard against this silent thief. Without your realizing it, osteoporosis robs calcium from your bones, leaving them so brittle and frail that a minor fall or strain could cause a hip or spine fracture. That nagging back pain or dowager's hump might be the only alarm set off by this sneaky intruder.

How can you fight back? Stop smoking and heavy drinking, exercise safely, eat sensibly, avoid soda pop, and make sure you're getting enough calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin E. If you're past menopause, estrogen may increase bone mass, but may not prevent fractures as well as other drugs such as Fosamax. Your doctor can help decide what's best for you.

Keep moving to prevent your bones from getting weaker, but be careful! Avoid heavy lifting or straining which might cause a bone to snap. Avoid falling by wearing rubber-soled shoes, using a cane or walker if necessary, clearing clutter from the house and walkways, and using a sturdy step stool to reach high shelves and cabinets. Night lights, a flashlight by the bed in case of power failure, and a cordless phone that you don't have to run to answer are all good ideas. High heels, scatter rugs, and slippery sidewalks are definite no-nos.

Remember that you're not alone. Osteoporosis affects 10 million Americans -- mostly white women after menopause -- but no one is exempt. Helpful diet and lifestyle tips are available online, and osteoporosis organizations can put you in touch with state-of-the-art medical advice.

Source: Your Health Encyclopedia, 4-rd Edition, 2002
Last Revised at December 6, 2007 by Amalia K. Gagarina, M.S., R.D.

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