Chronic Pain - Introduction
Oct 08 04

The Universal Disorder You know it at once. It may be the fiery sensation of a burn moments after your finger touches the stove.… Chronic Pain - Introduction   



The two faces of pain
Oct 08 04

The two faces of pain: acute and chronic

What is pain? The International Association for the Study of Pain defines it as: An unpleasant… The two faces of pain   



Spine basics: the vertebrae, discs, and spinal cord
Oct 08 04

Stacked on top of one another in the spine are more than 30 bones, the vertebrae, which together form the spine. They are divided… Spine basics: the vertebrae, discs, and spinal cord   



The A to Z of pain
Oct 08 04

Hundreds of pain syndromes or disorders make up the spectrum of pain. There are the most benign, fleeting sensations of pain, such as a… The A to Z of pain   



Chili peppers, capsaicin, and pain
Oct 08 04

The hot feeling, red face, and watery eyes you experience when you bite into a red chili pepper may make you reach for a… Chili peppers, capsaicin, and pain   



What is the future of pain research?
Oct 08 04

In the forefront of pain research are scientists supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including the NINDS. Other institutes at NIH that… What is the future of pain research?   



A pain primer: what do we know about pain?
Oct 08 04

We may experience pain as a prick, tingle, sting, burn, or ache. Receptors on the skin trigger a series of events, beginning with an… A pain primer: what do we know about pain?   



Learn About Depression and Anxiety Disorders
Oct 03 04

Depression (Bipolar Disorder)

  • Description of Depression (Bipolar Disorder)  
  • Causes and Risk Factors of Depression (Bipolar Disorder)  … Learn About Depression and Anxiety Disorders   


    Choosing a safe and successful Weight-Loss Program
    Oct 03 04

    Almost any of the commercial weight-loss programs can work, but only if they motivate you sufficiently to decrease the amount of calories you eat… Choosing a safe and successful Weight-Loss Program   



    What is new in obesity research?
    Oct 03 04

    Researchers at UC Davis are studying how genes influence the amount of arachidonic acid (a fatty acid important in the synthesis of prostaglandins in… What is new in obesity research?   



    What is the role of Surgery in the treatment of obesity?
    Oct 03 04

    The National Institute of Health consensus has suggested the following guidelines for surgery in obese patients:

    • Patients with a BMI of… What is the role of Surgery in the treatment of obesity?   


      Weight Loss Pills
      Oct 03 04


      phentermine (the other half of fen/phen) suppresses appetite by causing a release of norepinephrine by the cells. phentermine alone is still available for… Weight Loss Pills   



      Over-the-Counter (OTC) weight-loss products
      Oct 03 04

      Despite claims by manufacturers, the use of OTC products alone does not cause weight loss. Herbal weight loss products or preparations called “fat burners”… Over-the-Counter (OTC) weight-loss products   



      What is the role of diet in the treatment of obesity?
      Oct 03 04

      The first goal of dieting is to stop further weight gain. The next goal is to establish realistic weight loss goals. While the ideal… What is the role of diet in the treatment of obesity?   



      What about weight-for-height tables?
      Oct 03 04

      Measuring a person’s body fat percentage can be difficult, therefore, other methods are relied on to diagnose obesity. Two widely used methods are weight-for-height… What about weight-for-height tables?   



      What can be done about obesity?
      Oct 03 04

      All too often, obesity prompts a strenuous diet in the hopes of reaching the “ideal body weight.” Some amount of weight loss may be… What can be done about obesity?   



      What Causes Obesity?
      Oct 03 04

      The balance between calorie intake and energy expenditure determines a person’s weight. If a person eats more calories than he or she burns, the… What Causes Obesity?   



      What are other factors associated with obesity?
      Oct 03 04

      • Race. Racial factors may influence the age of onset and the rapidity of weight gain. African American women and Hispanic women… What are other factors associated with obesity?   


        Obesity and Weight Loss
        Oct 03 04

        What is obesity?

        The definition of obesity varies depending on what one reads, but in general, it is a chronic condition defined by an… Obesity  and Weight Loss   



        Selective Tubal Occlusion Procedure (STOP)
        Oct 03 04

        Selective tubal occlusion procedure (STOP) is a nonsurgical form of permanent birth control in which a physician inserts a 4-centimeter (1.6 inch) long metal… Selective Tubal Occlusion Procedure (STOP)   



        “Natural” Methods of Contraception
        Oct 03 04

        These methods of contraception are considered “natural” because they are non-mechanical and non-hormonal. They are not barrier methods in the sense that they kill… “Natural” Methods of Contraception   



        Oral contraceptives: The Pill
        Oct 03 04

        Hormonal Methods of Contraception

        There are several different hormonal methods of birth control. The differences among them involve:

        • The type of… Oral contraceptives: The Pill   


          Mechanical Methods of Contraception
          Oct 03 04

          Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

          The intrauterine device (IUD) is a method of birth control designed for a woman. The IUD is a small “T” made… Mechanical Methods of Contraception   



          Male Condom
          Oct 03 04

          Male condoms are far more common than female condoms. A male condom is a thin sheath that is worn over the man’s penis during… Male Condom   



          Barrier Methods of Contraception
          Oct 03 04


          During sexual intercourse, hundreds of millions of sperm are normally released into a woman’s vagina. The large majority of these sperm die. They… Barrier Methods of Contraception   


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