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Women With Diabetes - A Dozen Tips

Diabetes is on the rise, and women with diabetes have an elevated risk of heart disease and stroke. The good news is that there are steps they can take to reduce their risk of diabetes complications. From the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), here are a dozen do's to help women with diabetes live longer, healthier lives.

1. Do review your treatment plan with your doctor or health care provider at least once a year. Make changes if your plan is not working well.

2. Do work with a dietitian. Create a meal plan that gives you healthy choices and is just right for you.

3. Do have a snack when you're hungry. Choose something healthy that fits into your overall meal plan.

4. Do ask your health care provider for an A1C test. A1C, short for hemoglobin A1C, is the best test to know if your blood glucose (sugar) is under control.

5. Do control the ABCs of diabetes: A1C for blood glucose, B for blood pressure and C for cholesterol. That's the key to reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke.
6. Do remember your feet. Wear comfortable shoes that have a smooth lining, fit well and protect your feet.

7. Do your housework and get more than a clean house. Turn up the music, get some exercise and burn away those calories.

8. Do walk whenever you have the chance. Get off the bus or subway a few stops early or park at the far end of the lot.

9. Do avoid smoking. Ask your doctor or nurse about ways to quit.

10. Do have your feet, eyes and kidneys checked at least once a year. Regular check-ups help to find problems early, when they can be treated and managed well.

11. Do see your dentist twice a year. Make sure he or she knows you have diabetes. Team up against gum disease.

12. Do talk with family and friends about managing your diabetes. Be an inspiration with your healthy lifestyle.

Source: Your Health Encyclopedia, 4-rd Edition, 2002

Last Revised at December 6, 2007 by Amalia K. Gagarina, M.S., R.D.

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